Several books are available for order via, a self-publishing resource.

Poisonous Ideologies and Their Antidotes proposes psychological answers to the source of the fears as well as provides tactics and strategies for how to deal with frightened ideologues. Individually speaking, the goal is to be a curious person who pursues truth in all areas, knowing that, at the end of the day, one will gain psychological liberation.
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A tight overview of the therapeutic system developed over a span of forty years. Astute readers know there is no authoritative 'Right Way', signed and sealed by the potentate of all healing. The best any writer can do is be confessional, as true to science as possible, and report on decades of clinical experience. The following chapters are written with those principles in mind. Explore and prove by your own observations.

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A psychotherapeutic journey from boyhood to adulthood. The author sifted through a century of Freudian theory and in this book through self-examination, explains specifically how those theories can be used for an individual's liberation. Beginning with personal conflicts, the reader is led through a maze of identity formation and into the achievement of true intimacy.
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A novel about major human traumas. Each chapter is followed by a therapeutic analysis, explaining the dynamics occuring in the characters.
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